Job Fair Set Here Tuesday
Matching workers and employers in an increasingly competitive hiring climate is the focus of the Antigo Area Business Job Fair, slated Tuesday at Northcentral Technical College in Antigo.
Sponsored in part by the Pinnacle Team of Thrivent Financial, the event will run from 1:30 to 6 p.m.
Employers will be on hand taking applications and completing interviews to match those seeking new—or better—jobs with career opportunities in the area. Those attending should come prepared with a resume.
“As financial planners, we build plans that help businesses and individuals thrive, making the most of the dollars they earn,” Jean Greening, Thrivent wealth advisor, said. “In an effort to help businesses in our area succeed, we have set aside a day to match local employees with the many career opportunities in this area.” Greening and Travis Rose, Thrivent financial planner, said the local employee market is challenging.
“From the initial response, it sounds like many companies are struggling to find and hire qualified people to fill positions,” Rose added. “We are hoping to bring those applicants to them in one afternoon.”
The event is being held in cooperation with the technical college and WACD/WATK Radio.
Organizers will furnish employer booths on a first-come, first-serve basis, access and use of the computer room, some private areas for on-site interview, and refreshments and snacks. NTC has also sponsored some free resume writing and interviewing workshops.
Attendees to date include: Sartori Foods; CoVantage Credit Union; Top Brass; Karl’s Transport; Amron; Rexnord; Volm Companies; the Antigo Unified School District; and Ho-Chunk Gaming Nation.
Source: Antigo Daily Journal