
Volunteer Positions

ADRC volunteer opportunities can be found on their website at https://www.adrc-cw.org/volunteering

Volunteers are greatly appreciated at REGI (Raptor Education Group, Inc)! Whether you schedule a group clean-up day in the fall or spring or become one of our committed weekly volunteers, we can use your help.

How can you help? Let me name the ways...

    • Perch construction

    • Travel box building

    • General handy work and maintenance

    • Gardening

    • Fundraising

    • Painting

    • Cleaning

    • Transporting birds

    • and numerous other tasks...

Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.

It helps significantly if you can commit to a regular schedule.

Email Volunteer@RaptorEducationGroup.org your completed application or if you have any questions.

Click here to download a Volunteer Application

Click here to download a Volunteer Transporter Application

Langlade County Clubs & Organizations

Join one of the many clubs and organizations in Antigo and Langlade County that volunteer their time and resources.  Click here for a list of groups to join.