Child Caring

Langlade County wants to invest in and retain the current child care providers in their community. Child Care Dream Up! Grants were available to aid regulated child care programs with staff retention compensation, program supplies/equipment, continuing education, or minor renovations. Related education required for new start ups and/or costs associated with the start-up of a new child care program were able to receive up to $1000. More grant opportunities may be available in the future. To learn more about this Early Childhood/Dream Up team, please contact Childcaring and visit the Langlade County Economic Development Corporation Facebook page.

Round 3 – Child Care Dream Up! Grant

The Langlade County Dream Up! Team has funding available to support you and your efforts to continue to serve families! Funding is available for related education required to maintain regulation, new staff, and/or costs associated with the start-up of a new child care program – up to $1000, while funding is available. Final award amount may be based on overall participation.


  • Application Due: June 1 – December 31, 2024
  • Notice of Award: Within two weeks of Childcaring receiving your application
  • Awards Granted: Notification sent to bank for checks to be cut within two weeks of award notification
  • Report with Receipts Due: Within four weeks of receiving grant payment