Brent, Jackie Hipke Purchase Wild Wolf Inn from Buettners, Bringing Updates to Grand Facility
The Wild Wolf Inn, a dining and recreation spot along the Wolf River just inside Langlade County on Highway 55, has new owners — and changes are in the wind including a new name, Crab and Jack’s.
Brent and Jackie Hipke, who own and operate Heartbreaker’s in Antigo, a popular dining location on Forest Avenue, have purchased one of the most stunning commercial sites in Langlade County.
On Tuesday the Hipkes explained that they plan to open the bar area today as they continue to place their stock into the coolers and get the business readly to roll under their management. It has been located on the stunning site above the banks of the Wolf River for 45 years, owned by the Buettner family.
But that changed on Monday when papers were signed and Brent and Jackie Hipke moved in, already with plans in place and preparing for the opening today.
It will be slow going for a while. The Hipkes explained that they have a number of obligations that had been booked by Andy Buettner before the property was sold, but once Nov. 1 rolls around, the menu will be limited to pizza and other ready-to-prepare foods while a new kitchen is constructed on the main floor and new equipment is installed in the kitchen on the lower level.
The Hipkes explained that they plan on being ready for Christmas festivities, including parties, some of them already booked.
They said that some of the favorite items from Heartbreakers will be making the shift to the east, including the well-noted Gorgonzola tenderloin steaks, but other items will be added. Brent said one of those under consideration is fresh trout.
The couple is excited about the new challenge and opportunities and the people they will meet in eastern Langlade County, and the friends from the Antigo area who will be taking a little drive.
We have already received tremendous local support, they said,
Buettner said his parents, always stewards of the Wolf River, developed the business in 1972 and constructed the inn, which over the years has drawn thousands and thousands of rafters, canoeists, kayakers and fishermen to the site.
Buettner has been there for all of the 45 years. And like his family, he has great ties to the river and will continue to operate the raft rental business from the and Jack’s location.
Source: Antigo Daily Journal