Wolf River Valley Seeds of White Lake Wisconsin Floury Leafy Corn Named The Top Performer In Yield At The Cornell University Silage Corn Trials
Wolf River Valley Seeds of White Lake Wisconsin today announced that their WVR3396 FL, Floury Leafy corn was the top performer in yield, 30 hour NDFD (Neutral Detergent Fiber Digestibility) and milk yield per acre at the Cornell University silage corn trials held this fall in Madrid New York. The White Lake Wisconsin firm’s corn won the title in the 91-95 day relative maturity corn trials. The Floury Leafy corn varieties produced by Wolf River Valley Seeds are considered the “new” silage corn and the results are proof that the Floury Leafy concept is real! Jason Neilitz, President of the company said that the new floury leafy varieties “are unique because the farmer ends up planting less seeds per acre while yielding considerably more tonnage for silage.” Normally a farmer will plant between 32,000 and 34,000 seeds per acre, however; the new floury leafy varieties only require the farmer to plant 26,000-28,000 seeds per acre. A dramatic cost saving at planting time! In the Cornell trial, the WRV3396 FL produced a whopping 27.6 tons of silage per acre. Fiber digestibility was an outstanding 56.3 percent and the variety produced a remarkable 31,909 lbs. of milk yield per acre. Wolf River Valley Seeds has been producing the Floury Leafy corn now for several years and the response from the farmers using the “new” varieties according to Neilitz has been “fantastic!” Contact Wolf River Valley Seeds at 800-359-2480 or visit them on the web at www.wolfrivervalleyseeds.com for more information about Floury Leafy corn, dual purpose and grain corn as well as forage grains and grasses.