Governor Walker Visits Volm Companies in Antigo Promoting Wellness
Volm Companies’ Fresh Tech plant manufactures mesh bags that store healthy fruits and vegetables, so it was a natural stop for Gov. Scott Walker to promote wellness on Wednesday.
Walker, joined by First Lady Tonette Walker, attended Volm Companies’ wellness committee meeting to mark the Year of Well-Being.
Volm is a supplier of food packaging, packaging equipment, custom packaging, technical mesh, and erosion control solutions. Fresh-Tech is its newest plant located in the northside industrial park.
“Promoting healthy living is an important part of leadership. Healthy choices lead to more active and productive lives and workplaces,” Walker said. “Tonette and I applaud the leaders of Volm Company for their success in the food industry and their engagement in the healthy lives of their employees and the community.”
The Walkers were welcomed by Volm officials, treated to a healthy lunch that included wraps, vegetables and fruit and gluten-free cookies, and taken on a tour of the state-of-the art Fresh Tech facility.
“It’s exciting to see you take an interest in what a local company is doing,” Jim Fick of Volm Companies said. “This is really what this company is all about.”
Volm employees also reviewed the company’s commitment to wellness and various activities such as healthy living notes and newsletters, as well as participation in events focused on wellness including Relay for Life, Healthy Ways Walk, Maintain Holiday Challenge, annual wellness picnics, and more.
“We’ve really been blessed,” Todd Novak of Volm Companies said. “As we go, we get more and more buy-in by employees.”
“There’s a social aspect that comes through as well,” Amanda Hunter said. “When you start building friendships, people on the outside respond.”
Volm came to the governor’s attention this summer, when his wife walked the city trail and boardwalk as part of her Walk With Walker promotion.
“I was so impressed with how dedicated the company is to encouraging good health habits for its employees,” Mrs. Walker said. “I’m thrilled to recognize such a great company that is so focused on the well-being of its employees.”
The Walkers had proclaimed 2013 as the Year of Well-Being, is driven by four main areas: Be Active, Be Connected, Be Informed, and Be Part of Your Community. These themes were developed to achieve a well-rounded approach to wellness so Wisconsin residents will be better equipped to increase their overall wellness now and in the future.
Be Active focuses on living an active, heart-healthy life. This includes increasing physical activity, balancing your nutrition, and encouraging people to assess their physical and mental health. Be Connected emphasizes the need to place relationships with family, friends, and community members at the center of one’s life. Be Informed stresses a focus on continuing education and exploring new ideas. Be Part of Your Community draws attention to the fact that being an involved member of your community not only benefits others, but will improve your own level of well-being.

Todd Novak leads Gov. Scott Walker on a tour of the Volm Fresh-Tech plant following a luncheon devoted to wellness topics Wednesday. Antigo Mayor Bill Brandt is also pictured.