UW-Extension Field Crop Management Videos Provide Information to Farmers in the Field
March 2015
Contact: Roger Schmidt, (608)316-0550, roger.schmidt@wisc.edu
Madison, Wis. – The more information farmers have about farming, the more successful they might be. Growers often combine experience and science when making management decisions. However, finding the time to read textbooks or long journal articles can be challenging, so University of Wisconsin- Extension specialists recorded videos with the most up-to-date information about crop production, pest management, soil and water conservation and nutrient management. The videos are available on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/user/uwipm/playlists
What are the six most critical stages in the life of a corn plant? Why is variety selection important to soybean yield? During what growth stage are crops most susceptible to disease? What is in a routine soil test? How can I manage weed and insect resistance issues? Can a sponge be used to demonstrate soil moisture? These questions, along with many others are answered in the Crop Science video series.
UW-Extension specialists in agronomy, entomology, plant pathology and soil science carefully explain the University of Wisconsin research and science related to field crop management in videos that can be accessed on a smartphone or a tablet.
The new crop science video series is organized into three playlists:
- WI – Soil science fundamentals for field crops has 22 videos
- WI – Field crop and forage fundamentals has 10 videos
- WI – Weed, insect, disease IPM for field crops has 20 videos
“The videos are useful to anyone involved in field crop production,” said Bryan Jensen, Coordinator of the UW Integrated Pest Management program (IPM). As it relates to IPM, he said, “This content can help build or bolster a strong integrated pest management program on a farm or in a crop advisory’s career. While just being posted on the internet in January, the videos have already been used by dozens of agronomists to help with self-study for the Wisconsin CCA (Certified Crop Advisers) exam.”
The videos can also be accessed through the free UW IPM Toolkit app available at http://ipcm.wisc.edu/apps/ipmtoolkit/
For more information about the video series, contact Bryan Jensen at bryan.jensen@wisc.edu.