The Start Smart: The Essential Business Plan Entrepreneurial Training Course will be held on Thursdays from 5:30 to 8:30 pm starting September 17, 2015 and running to November 12, 2015. The classes will be held in the conference room at the Langlade County Economic Development Corporation, which is located in the Wood Technology Center at…
read more >Interested in starting a business, but don’t know where to begin? A new training course offered through the Langlade County Economic Development Corporation may help. In conjunction with the Suick Family Foundation and Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation, the corporation will offer Start Smart: The Essential Business Plan Course, beginning on Thursday, September 17. “The…
read more >The Langlade County Economic Development Corporation will be partnering with WWBIC to offer an Entrepreneurship Training Course. The course will be on Thursdays starting September 17, 2015 and runs through November 12, 2015. The classes will be held from 5:30 to 8:30 at the NTC Campus in Antigo in our office located in room WT…
read more >RHINELANDER – Grow North, a group that focuses on economic development in northern Wisconsin, wants people to buy more of Wisconsin’s wood products. But achieving that goal will require more effective marketing from the wood product industry. To that end, Grow North teamed up with New North Regional Economic Development to win a state grant. that…
read more >The students and employers involved in the Youth Apprenticeship and Co-op programs at Antigo High School attended an appreciation luncheon at North Star Lanes. This was an extension of gratitude for the patience and guidance exhibited by the employers over the past one or two years as the students are taught beneficial skills through…
read more >Join the growing list of local food businesses reaching their goals through the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection’s (DATCP) Buy Local Buy Wisconsin program. Proposals for Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin grant-funded projects are now being accepted from individuals, groups, businesses and organizations involved in Wisconsin agriculture, food processing, food distribution, food warehousing,…
read more >Downtown Antigo got a boost last night from the City Council. It quietly approved two plans,one for a sign park at Fifth Avenue and Clermont Street filling a rather weedy and messy lost, and just across the street, Belle’s Smokehouse, which will offer brisket, pulled pork and ribs to its Antigo customers. Aldermen will convene…
read more >The Malliette Bus Co. held an open house Wednesday and welcomed a number of prospective new drivers and many of the veterans, just looking to the comrade.“It was a great afternoon,” Tim Grosskurth said as the program was winding down later in the afternoon. The prospective drivers were put through a number of tests including…
read more >Elcho, White Lake and in Antigo will be offering free workshops in August to explore entrepreneurship in Langlade County. Here are the location, dates, and times of these free workshops. Elcho will be explored on Monday, August 24 at 5:30 pm. White Lake will be on Tuesday, August 25 at 5:30 pm. Antigo will be on…
read more >Join the Antigo Police Department in their effort to raise necessary funds to bring a canine (K-9) police unit to the City of Antigo and Langlade County. This is a wonderful cause benefiting the entire community – not just city residents. K-9 units provide a sense of personal security and have been proven to deter…
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