Economic Development Program To Be Launched Here On Sept. 17
Interested in starting a business, but don’t know where to begin? A new training course offered through the Langlade County Economic Development Corporation may help.
In conjunction with the Suick Family Foundation and Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation, the corporation will offer Start Smart: The Essential Business Plan Course, beginning on Thursday, September 17.
“The class is designed for people interested in starting a business or for business owners who have a few years experience and want to review their accomplishments and plan for future success,” Angie Close, executive director of the development corporation, said. “ With the philosophy of, ‘Learn it tonight, use it tomorrow,’ the Start Smart classes center on operations, marketing, business negotiations, understanding financial statements, and more.’
The training is given in a three-hour class once a week for nine weeks. Each week, attendees have the opportunity to listen to and question an array of guest speakers, including lawyers, bankers, CPAs, and successful entrepreneurs, who will lend their expertise in special areas of business operations.
“While the ultimate goal is the completion of a comprehensive business plan, participants also leave class with new critical thinking skills, which lead to key strategic actions in the development of their business practices,” Close said.
Classes will be held at the Langlade County Economic Development Corporation office located in the Wood Technology Building at Northcentral Technical College on Thursdays, Sept. 17 to Nov. 12, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Fee is $275, with $250.00 scholarships available upon successful completion. Workbook fee is $50, nonrefundable. Students may also qualify for up to a $2,500 matching grant to use for start- up or expansion costs of your Langlade County Business.
To register call 715 623-5123 or e-mail Close at aclose@co.langlade.wi.us. Registration is limited to 20 students.
To learn more about the Start Smart program, organizers are holding three free Exploring Entrepreneurship Workshops later this month. The schedule includes Monday, Aug. 24, 5:30 p.m., Elcho Town Hall; Tuesday, Aug. 25, 5:30 p.m., White Lake Community Center; and Thursday, Aug. 27, 5:30 p.m., Langlade County Economic Development Office in the Wood Tech Center at Northcentral Technical College.
There is no cost to attend an Exploring Entrepreneurship workshop, but pre-registration is required. To register, visit www.langladecountyedc.org/events, call Langlade County Economic Development at 715 623-5123 or e-mail aclose@co.langlade.wi.us.