Before 1985, you would have been hard pressed to find a cozy sandwich lounge on what would be the “Main Street” of downtown Antigo. Thanks to Sue Stanton and her 5th Avenue Restaurant, Antigonians have had just such an establishment available for the past 31 years. Opening its doors on June 5, 1985, 5th Avenue…
read more >The Langlade County Economic Development Corporation is partnering with Northcentral Technical College to offer a FREE workshop series on Talent Development – Onboarding & Retaining Millennial Employees. Onboarding new employees is a secure investment that will assist newly hired employees in developing their skills, knowledge, and value within the company. It will help match the technically…
read more >Schroeder’s Gifts has come a long way in just under three decades. From a humble beginning pitching home-grown potatoes and vegetables, Scroeder’s has grown into one of the true shopping destinations of the northwoods, drawing clientele from across the region for its mix of clothing, accouterments and housewares. And in a nod to its past,…
read more >The Langlade County Economic Development Corporation would like to invite you to a FREE Breakfast & Learn on June 29, 2016 from 7:30 to 10:30 am at the Wood Technology Center of Excellence at NTC-Antigo Campus in room T131. This is an online marketing workshop with guest speaker Brad Gegare from DMI Studios. During the…
read more >Keller, Inc., a commercial contractor, made excellent progress this week on the structure for the addition to the Hydratight plant on Clermont Street in Antigo. Hydratight is consolidating machinery and employment from another of its sites to the Antigo Industrial Park. Source: Antigo Daily Journal
read more >NTC Business and Industry will be offering the following courses in the Fall of 2016 and Spring 2017. Critical Core Business Skills Training Grant Series – Course offered Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 Supervision Technical Diploma Grant Courses – Courses runs September 2016 thru May 2017 Lean & Quality Grant Courses – Courses runs Fall 2016 thru Spring 2017…
read more >Janice Teal doesn’t get nervous much around her high-speed lathe. “I was when I first started, yes,” Teal laughed Wednesday morning. “But now you just get used to it and you just do it.” After more than five years of programming and running the machine and nearly 20 years total at Zelazosky Wood Products in…
read more >The Cutlass Motor Lodge, which financially struggled for a number of years and eventually was closed, was visited Tuesday by a massive backhoe and other equipment from Krueger & Steinfest, a local firm with expertise in building demolitions. The west side of the sprawling complex, which housed the swimming pool, sauna, lounge, dining room, kitchen,…
read more >Antigo High School students took a try at virtual welding, practiced high-speed tire-changing and explored career options ranging from military to medical at this morning’s career fair. According to Josh Zalewski, coordinator for the seventh annual event, this year’s contingent of local employers and industry partners ranging from health care, automotive, manufacturing, financial and public…
read more >Shovels of dirt flew into the air today as Hydratight, a longtime Antigo industry, took the formal steps to begin construction to an addition to its plant on Clermont Street. Jeff Todd, a leader and spokesman for the Hydratight team took time from duties in the floor of the production of facility to join dignitaries…
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