Free Online Marketing and Social Media Workshop Offered
The Langlade County Economic Development Corporation would like to invite you to a FREE Breakfast & Learn on June 29, 2016 from 7:30 to 10:30 am at the Wood Technology Center of Excellence at NTC-Antigo Campus in room T131. This is an online marketing workshop with guest speaker Brad Gegare from DMI Studios. During the three hour workshop Brad will present the following information:
Part 1: Website/Tips for your site to “Work” right Marketing Section:
- Do I need a website, is a Facebook page enough?
- Are you taking full advantage of your regional marketing partners? Listings/Events
- Is your Brand represented online adequately? Is your first impression your last?
- Responsive Design – What is it, why does it matter? Browsing/searching trends to be aware of.
- “The Little Things” All sites MUST have
- Google algorithms & Organic results – What “Does your site work mean”?
- Content is King – What really matters?
- Is just having a website enough? Next steps.
Part 2: Social Media – Online Marketing Tips Section:
- Website launched – now what? How do people find me online? Phone books are dead.
- How Yellowbook/Phone books fool you. You are partnering with competition.
- Metrics – Eye on the prize – Monitor results on/offline marketing – Needle moving?
- Social Media Strategy – Which One? What fits my business?
- Bring value in return for social media attention
- Drive “Likes” and “Followers” not short term traffic
- Links = Endorsements
Attendees of the free event and breakfast will be able to sign up at the end to win one of (2) Runway sites to be given away to attendees of all locations. Runway site prizes provided from DMI Studios, which is valued at $1,282.
Seats are limited! Register by calling Keri Beck at 715-623-2085 or email her at kbeck@co.langlade.wi.us by June 24th.