
Busy CoVantage Site Picks Up Tempo

May 15, 2018

CoVantage Credit Union’s downtown Antigo, always a busy place, is humming with a different sort of energy. Construction crews and heavy equipment, including a massive crane, have moved into the Clermont Street and Sixth Avenue site, and are beginning to construct an expansion to the southeast side of the building, along with an additional third…

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High School Career Fair Stresses Link Between Education, Local Industries

May 15, 2018

The pipeline between school and work was the focus Friday, when Antigo High School held its annual career fair. The morning activity drew a number of local and regional businesses, including several new entries, to the commons for visits by Antigo High School students interested in carving career paths. This is a great event that…

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Health In Motion Celebrates Grand Opening, Chamber Ribbon Cutting

May 7, 2018

Health In Motion in Antigo celebrated their grand opening Thursday, April 26 with demonstrations, an Antigo/Langlade County Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting, tours, refreshments and more. During the event, staff demonstrated Trigger Point Dry Needling. Dry Needling is a very hot topic in physical therapy and extremely effective when included with a plan of care.…

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Additional Funding to Allow an Expansion of School Fab Lab Plans

May 4, 2018

The Antigo school district received a $18,300 grant Tuesday to expand its fabrication laboratory facilities. The award was one of over $500,000 in grants given to 22 school districts across the state in a day-long marathon of school visits and celebrations known as Fab Lab Day. “We’re proud of our school and the programs we’ve made,” Tom Zamzow, high school principal, said…

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Solin’s Tapped Maple Syrup LLC Offers ‘Small Batch’ Products, with a Few Twists

March 20, 2018

“Small batch,” a term made popular by craft brewers and bourbon-makers, has come to the sugarbush. As the sugaring season arrives— stubbornly slow—across the northwoods, Jeremy Solin has resurrected the Solin family sugarbush on Highway V north of Antigo as Tapped Maple Syrup LLC. He co-owns the business with his wife, Abi, offering maple syrup with a twist. “We start with our maple syrup…

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Norwood Residents Win Goat Cheese Recognition

March 10, 2018

The second time was a charm for Lacey Lamb, an exquisite cheese produced by Steve and Darlene Eckerman’s Phlox Farms. The cheese captured a first place award in the 2018 World Champion Cheese Contest Wednesday in Madison. Competing in the hard sheep’s milk cheese, nine months or longer class, the Eckerman’s smooth and mellow cheese scored 99.20, well above the second…

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Antigo Receives Tourism Grant

March 7, 2018

The Northwoods Triple Crown Festival in Antigo received a Year 2 Joint Effort Marketing (JEM) grant from the Wisconsin Department of Tourism in the amount of $20,564 for the event which will be held August 10-12, 2018. The projected economic impact of this event is approximately $145,128. JEM grant funds are available to non-profit organizations…

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New STEM Program Offered to Area Youth

March 6, 2018

Why read about science when you can just do it? STEM Scouts, a new extra-curricular program for students in the area, re-imagines creative ways to learn about science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Students can interact with professionals in weekly hands-on lab sessions and discover new things in a fast-paced, thought-provoking, and fun way. The…

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Job Fair Set Here Tuesday

February 9, 2018

Matching workers and employers in an increasingly competitive hiring climate is the focus of the Antigo Area Business Job Fair, slated Tuesday at Northcentral Technical College in Antigo. Sponsored in part by the Pinnacle Team of Thrivent Financial, the event will run from 1:30 to 6 p.m. Employers will be on hand taking applications and completing interviews to match those seeking new—or better—jobs…

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Fab Lab is Part of ‘Awesome’ Project for Elementary, High School Students

February 5, 2018

Elementary students are studying “What Makes Antigo Awesome,” and one of the items they might include on that list is the high school’s new fabrication laboratory. What Makes Antigo Awesome Mosaic Tile Wall is a collaboration between elementary art instructor Andi Gretzinger, Tim Krueger, the high school graphic design instructor and fab lab interim coordinator, and the fifth grade classes at Spring Valley Elementary School, taught…

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