Langlade County Board Supports Study That May Lead To Police-Sheriff Merger
The Langlade County Board of Supervisors held its last meeting before the holiday season heats up today handling its business quickly.
With Ron Nye filling in for board chair, Dave Solin, the big item on the agenda, participation in a study with the city of Antigo for possible consolidating of the police and sheriff’s department. The measure breezed through the roll-call vote unanimously.
Corporation Counsel Robin Stowe explained that consolidation has been discussed for several years after a change in state law that clears any legal roadblocks. Stowe said that many steps in the consolidation progress are already in place with the two law enforcement units sharing the same building, dispatch center and jail.
Sheriff Bill Greening voiced some of Stowe’s comments about a number of changes already in place, and suggested that the study may find a significant financial savings for both the city and county.
The measure includes a structure that would create a panel of county and municipal members and an independent source to study how the system would work and the potential savings.
The Forestry and Recreation Committee request to adopt a forest work plan for the coming years also passed without objection.
County Forester Steve Jackson addressed the board and explained the scope and need for the plan and the successes of the agency over the years.
It serves as a tool for the department and fills a requirement for the Department of Natural Resources.
Supervisors voted to approve a position in the Forestry and Recreation Department for a gap caused by retirement.
The resolution noted the importance of the department, which has returned more than $1 million in revenue per year for the past decade, and there is a need for a qualified person to fill the vacant position.
The cost for the position in 2013 is $70,888, $43,451 in wages and the remainder in fringe benefits.
The lone zoning amendment was carried in the consent agenda for Thomas and Jolene Welch who got a shift for a piece of land in the town of Antigo from single family residential to multi-family
Gary Bezucha, CEO of Northcentral Health Care, addressed the supervisors and Patrick McCarthy was honored for long and dedicated service to the county.
He has been with the Highway Department for more than 26 years.