County Bus Service Gets New Logo, Name to Reflect Its Expanded Scope of Services
Local citizens with keen eyes may have noticed a seemingly subtle change on area roads, as the former Red Robin Transit name has been replaced by the new Langlade County Public Transit (LCPT) name and logo.
Gone is the Red Robin logo, replaced by a green-and-white tree logo and color scheme.

Pam Resch, Langlade County Finance Director, and Danny Pyeatt, Antigo supervisor for Red Robin/Menominee Department of Transit Services, show off the fresh look for the rebranded county-wide transit system.
According to Langlade County Finance Director Pam Resch, the LCPT is more than a merely cosmetic change. The new look is meant to let all citizens know that the buses provide public transportation services county-wide, not just within the city of Antigo.
The slick new campaign is meant to reflect Langlade’s “County of Trails” slogan. The tree logo draws attention to the county’s natural resources, and fits in tandem with the county-wide logo as well as the Langlade County Economic Development Corporation logo.
“This new logo communicates to the public who is providing the service, and it is the hope that through the county logo, people will know that transit services are available for all of Langlade County,” Resch explained.
Funding for the new and improved transit program comes from a variety of sources.
The county has been a recipient of Wisconsin’s Specialized Transportation Assistance for Counties, or “85.21,” program for several years. The award for 2020 is $79,889, with a county match of $15,978.
The county also recently applied for and received a Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities grant for a 14-passenger replacement bus, and received an award to purchase a larger 26-passenger bus.
The Langlade County transit system is operated in partnership with Menominee Department of Transit Services. Resch pointed out that such a program contributes to both the economic and physical health of citizens.
“Public transportation is unique to a rural area like ours,” she said. “It provides not only jobs, but also transportation options for seniors, persons with disabilities, and anyone in the county. Transportation is among the most requested support service for seniors and individuals with disabilities, allowing them to remain in a community setting and meet their basic needs such as errands, nutrition, medical appointments, along with work, social, family and religious purposes.”
Danny Pyeatt is the Antigo supervisor for the Red Robin/Menominee Department of Transit Services. He mentioned a fun series of reasons for citizens to take advantage of the service.
“It’s cheaper than a cup of coffee,” Pyeatt said. “You can reduce your carbon footprint and stay eco-friendly. You can sit back, relax, and let someone else do the driving. It reduces the wear and tear on your vehicle. You never have to worry about finding parking space, and it’s healthy. You get more exercise walking to the bus stops.”
The LCPT provides reliable, affordable and accessible public transportation options to support the community’s mobility needs. LCPT transportation buses are accessible to persons with disabilities and mobility devices such as wheelchairs, electric scooters, walkers and crutches.
Drivers are trained to assist disabled passengers boarding and exiting the vehicles.
The LCPT system offers three different types of routes. The Antigo in-city flex route runs on a fixed schedule within the city limits to service elderly and disabled individuals and low-income workers. The flex route will deviate up to two blocks for elders or disabled riders who call ahead for the deviation.
The Antigo rural route is a door-to-door service that serves an eight-mile radius from the center of the city. The Langlade County route is a door-to-door service that serves all of the county. Both routes are shared ride services based on driver and vehicle availability.
Bus route maps and schedules, along with shopping trip, fares, and passes information can be found on the LCPT website at https://www.co.langlade.wi.us/departments/finance/general/langlade-county-publictransit/, or by calling 1-844-897-6246. The LCPT office is located at 1225 Langlade Road in Antigo.
Source: Antigo Daily Journal, January 18, 2020 edition