Antigo Farmer’s Market Will Open For Its Early Season On June 1, 2013
After a winter that seemed even longer than most, growers and buyers are anticipating the opening of the Antigo Farm Market on Saturday.
The market, located in the parking lot at the northeast corner of Superior Street and Fourth Avenue, will open at 8 a.m.
“We had a very late spring and the growing season is just getting underway,” Renate Bromberg, market board president, said. “However, we have a loyal group of vendors as well as customers who are looking forward to another successful market season.”
Some spring vegetables will be available as well as a good selection of bedding plants and hanging flower baskets, Bromberg said. Maple syrup is plentiful this year and trout and smoked salmon would make a great meal when combined with tender, fresh spring vegetables.
Tonya Trabant is the new market manager.
“I am very excited and looking forward to participating in yet another great community activity in Antigo,” she said.
The farm market will continue every Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon, through Sept. 28.