Work About To Start On Major Road Projects In Langlade County
While the summer season wasn’t without road work, the major highways stayed pristine.
But that is changing and quickly.
Gov. Scott Walker has approved two big projects involving Highways 45, 47 and Langlade County has announced that it will start multi-year work on Highway B east of Neva that will run from the intersection with Highway 45 to Highway 52 in the Bryant area.
The governor signed a $1.9 million contract to improve Highway 47 from Highway 45 to the Menominee County line with work scheduled to begin on Monday. Work trailers are already on the site and surveyor markings are in place.
During construction the road will remain open to traffic, but motorists can expect to meet with flagging operations, road workers, machinery and delays.
The project includes replacement of 11 culverts, some new curb and gutter in Phlox and then milling of two inches of the current asphalt from the surface and replacing with new lift.
Northeast Asphalt is the prime contractor on the project.
The state will start another major job here at about the same time.
After a series of serious accidents at the Highway B and 45 intersection, it has been decided that the roads must be realigned coming into the area and that will get underway shortly after Labor Day.
In addition to changing how the two busy roads meet, the state will mill and replace a substantial segment of Highway 45 from the Highway B location to Highway J to the east in the town of Upham.
The Department of Transportation said the project will cost $1.6 million and cover 8.4 miles with work schduled to begin on Sept. 4, justt after the busy Labor Day holiday. Northeast Asphalt is also the prime contractor on the job.
The Langlade County Highway Department has scheduled a meeting for Sept. 6 at 5 p.m. at the Neva Town Hall to discuss plans to rebuild Highway B.
The consulting firm, Ayres and Associates, is scheduled to speak and then the session will be opened to informal discussions.
Highway Commissioner Tim Rusch said the focus of the session will be a “thorough review” of the proposed reconstruction.
There are plans to work on alignment, drainage, intersection improvements at Highway A and B in Neva and work on the right-of-way.
Rusch said the project plans call for the project to be done in six segments with the first from Highway 45 to Chillie Road.
The remaining portions will be addressed in future years.
Antigo Daily Journal