Rail Survey Currently Being Conducted To Gauge Business Support
Back in June the county’s Board of Supervisors voted to officially join the Northwoods Rail Transit Commission. The commission was created by Oneida County earlier this year and currently consists of nine northern Wisconsin counties. According to information provided by the Langlade County Economic Development Corporation in a recent press release, one main purpose for the commission is to ensure rail service is available for “maintaining and supporting future economic growth in the region”. Since its creation, the commission has been working with the state DOT to develop a Rail Market Survey. It is intended to gather current and potential rail use data from the region’s business community. The commission will use the data from this survey to share with rail operators in the region “in order to pursue options for more reliable, cost effective and secure rail service for all businesses in Northern Wisconsin.” The survey is currently being distributed to businesses, with the Langlade County Economic Development Corporation spearheading the effort in this county. Both they and the county board hope businesses that get this survey do fill it out and return it to the DOT. If you are a business that wishes to take part in this survey and has not gotten one, you can contact the corporation at 715-623-5123 or email Director Chris Berry at cberry@co.langlade.wi.us.
by Rusty Mehlberg