Langlade Hospital’s Grand Opening Set For Friday
The Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph and Aspirus Partners are welcoming their employees and friends from northern Wisconsin to join the ribbon cutting and the official grand opening celebration of Langlade Hospital on Friday.
The crowd is invited to gather in front of the hospital at 2:50 p.m. for the 3 p.m. welcome and ribbon cutting, and then the program will move to the conference rooms where there will be a number of speakers including David Schneider, the hospital CEO, Duane Erwin, Aspirus CEO, Mike Winter, vice-president of the Board of Trustees, Dr. John McKenna, a representative of the medical staff, Frank Bagatto, vice-president of planning for Catholic Health and Sister Dolores Demulling, a spokesman for the Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph.
Earlier this year the hospital opened and while all of the services were available, asthetics including the main entrance could not be completed because the towering and idled older medical building was in the way.
After about two months of torrid work, that four-level structure was cleared and work started to complete the new facility. The entrance was built, excavation and filling of the site of the former hospital was launched and other projects, including additions to the Aspirus General Clinic and enclosing the former walkway to the St. Joseph Outpatient Center were initiated.
While construction is still on-going at the site, the fundamentals for the ribbon-cutting and a welcome of the crowd are in place.
Following the brief addresses by the hospital and Aspirus representatives, ‘Of Chorus!’ will offer a musical selection and a celebration of the Eucharist at 4 p.m. in the chapel with Bishop Robert Morneau officiating.
The service will be followed by the blessing of the LeRoyer Memorial Walkway on the north side of the new hospital