Langlade County Leaders Hope To Get Kids Interested In Forestry
The average logger in Langlade County will turn anywhere from 50 to 60 years old this year. That statistic worries economic leaders because forestry is one of the county’s biggest industries.
“Our average logger right now is between 50 and 60 years of age,” says Angie Close, the Executive Director of the Langlade County Economic Development Corporation. “It’s an industry we want to make sure continues to grow and continues to thrive.”
In order to preserve the industry, loggers are trying to appeal to kids.
They held a logging demo at Crestwood Elementary School Friday, where the kids got to see the loggers use different types of logging equipment.
“We’re showing them the actual logging in the forest, a little tree ID, and how the boards come out of a log,” says Steve Marshall of Marshall’s Forest Products.
Loggers think introducing young kids to the forestry industry is important. They want to teach kids that the forest is sustainable.
Loggers worry many kids think of logging as a negative thing.
“They relate to the bad things that come from the rain forest,” says Marshall. “[But] what we’re doing here in Wisconsin—almost all of our logging today is sustainable. It’s renewable for generations to come.”
Loggers hope once kids see the benefits of logging, they’ll consider a career in the industry.
“There are a lot of people that don’t understand sustainability of the forest, and I think it’s important that we educate as many people as we can,” says Marshall. “This is one of the only renewable resources we have that will be here forever.”
Loggers hope that educating the younger generation could keep the forestry industry thriving in Langlade County.
Source: WJFW-TV 12 News