City Opens Door For New Downtown Activity
Downtown Antigo got a boost last night from the City Council.
It quietly approved two plans,one for a sign park at Fifth Avenue and Clermont Street filling a rather weedy and messy lost, and just across the street, Belle’s Smokehouse, which will offer brisket, pulled pork and ribs to its Antigo customers.
Aldermen will convene at 6 p.m. in the chambers at City Hall.
leading the agenda was approval of the first approval downtown entreprenuership grant—a new program— for the Smokehouse, which will be located at 800 Fifth Ave.
The grant totals $2,500 and would be used to help in the purchase of $10,000 in equipment for the restaurant. Additional dollars may also be allowed if the project exceeds the expected expenditures.
Belle’s Smokehouse will be a year-round carryout facility with owner Annaville Purdun planning to open on Aug. 1.
In another downtown matter, aldermen approved a sign park at 801 Fifth Avenue, the location of a longtime retail building which was destroyed by fire.
Dean Blazek, a longtime Antigo businessman and philanthropist, plans to turn the vacant lot into a display area for a portion of his collection of advertising signs, add a billboard for public service messages and construct an area in the middle to display items of interest such as old cars, and install planters.
The project was reviewed by the City Plan Commission, which felt the park would be an asset to the downtown area.
Source: Antigo Daily Journal