Ben Zelazoski Reflects on His Tech College Experiences
Zelazoski Wood Products has been a figure in the Antigo community for a long time. As a family owned and operated wood product manufacturing facility, you get the sense that the secretary, Ben Zelazoski, is very pleased with what the business has become.
Ben’s story starts right here in Antigo where he was born and raised.
Upon graduation from high school, Ben decided to attend the local Northcentral Technical College campus to study data processing. Two weeks into that first year he decided that was just not for him and he transferred to an accounting program.
It was an interesting time to be in college in 1968-1970 because as Ben stated, “Although there were students that were trying to keep themselves from being drafted, the vast majority were attending to better themselves. They were serious about their education. “I think the instructors picked this up and went out of their way to see that we learned.”
When asked why he chose NTC, Ben noted that it was combination of being a local option where he could be taught applicable skills, the cost was lower than other colleges, and if he wanted to transfer to another college he knew that was a possibility.
While that was 46 years ago, many students choose NTC today for those same reasons.
Upon graduation, Ben didn’t find an accounting position that was especially interesting to him. He decided to come back and work for the family business until he found something else. Ben must have found his niche, because he is still there today.
He found the business itself to be interesting and was pleased that he was able to use all of the accounting skills he learned in college including, payroll, cost, tax, and general accounting.
Ben has enjoyed his position with the family business because he doesn’t like doing the same thing all the time and his job has allowed him a lot of diversity.
Ben would say that the downside of that is there are days where it is hard to stay on one task without any interruptions. Zelazoski Wood Products also manufactures a diverse range of products and which has kept Ben and the company constantly challenged.
Regarding the Antigo community as a whole, Ben stated, “This area had provided me and my family with a good living in a friendly atmosphere. The majority of the people take pride in the area and in what they do.”
And when asked about what is the most valuable thing he has learned in his life so far Ben would say that, “Life is what you make of it. You are going to have some bad days. That’s fine because if you didn’t the good ones would not seem so good. Don’t dwell on your mistakes, learn from them.”
Do you know of an NTC graduate who is working successfully as a professional in our community? Please contact Zach Popp at 715-348- 7739, or popp@ntc.edu to recommend that individual as a featured story.
Source: Antigo Daily Journal, written by Zachary Popp, NTC Regional Manager.