Antigo First Outlines Plans at Meeting
Antigo First, an organization dedicated to sparking activities in downtown Antigo, held its annual meeting Thursday reviewing its past advances and plans for the future.
The meeting, held at the Hoffman House, covered business operations of the organization and then moved to a number of speakers who addressed plans and challenges.
Roseann Hoffman, who leads the organization, offered the welcome and presented the 2015 review and treasurers report vowing to be more aggressive this year.
She added that the Antigo First organization is a group of people who recognize the need for a vibrant downtown.
She explained that seven of the downtown bump outs were removed during the past summer and there are several more to go.
We have businesses asking for them to be removed, Hoffman said.
She said each bump out removal represents an addition of about two and one-half car parking places.
Hoffman also explained a plan to expand the number of flower baskets that proved to be so popular on Field Street and Sixth Avenue. Antigo First is still eyeing a street dance for the downtown area during 2016.
Mark Desotell, the city’s director of administrative services, praised the addition of Yesterday’s Sign Park by Dean and Polly Blazek and explained steps being taken to promote it.
He also touched on the city’s attempt to sell the Edison Club site this spring and progress on the Peaceful Valley Park pavilion, suggesting it will be done during the coming construction season.
He listed other activities in Antigo, saying they are all good things.
Other speakers included Angie Close, Langlade County’s Economic Development executive director, who discussed entrepreneur grants to help spark growth in the downtown area. Naletta Burr, a representative of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, discussed downtown business recruitment.
Source: Antigo Daily Journal