Transitional Jobs Program Open Office Hours
UMOS will be holding open office hours at the NTC – Antigo Campus in room WT-130 from 8:30 am – 4 pm every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
If you are unemployed, stop in and see us to find out more! The Transitional Jobs (TJ) Program helps participants gain the skills and experience they need to succeed in the labor market.
- TJ offers unemployed individuals immediate work (with pay).
- TJ enhances employment opportunities for people who have difficulty entering and succeeding in the workforce.
- TJ combines real work experience, skills, training, and supportive service.
- TJ helps employers find good workers to fill jobs.
Contact TJ Northeast Office at 715-756-2311 ext. 1162 for more information or Natasha Chevalier, TJ Program Manager at
312 Forrest Ave Antigo WI
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