Spring 2022 Entrepreneurial Training Program Orientation Day
Considering taking the 9-week Entrepreneurial Training Program? To learn if this course is for you, attend the Entrepreneurial Training Program Orientation Day on Thursday, February 17, 2022, at 5:30 pm at the Langlade County Economic Development Corporation’s office located on the NTC Antigo Campus at 312 Forrest Avenue in room WT-108A. The Entrepreneurial Training Program orientation is a one-hour session that participants will learn the “must-dos” to launch a business and keep it running, understand why a business plan is critical to a business’s success, and explore the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. There is no cost to attend this orientation, but pre-registration is appreciated. To register, call Langlade County Economic Development at 715.623.5123, email aclose@co.langlade.wi.us or click here to register online.
2022 Spring Entrepreneurial Training Program Flyer
To register for the Entrepreneurial Training Program click here.
312 Forrest Ave Antigo WI