Federal Ag Office to Open Monday Here

Federal agriculture services have returned to Antigo.

Decades after the United States Department of Agriculture mad an admittedly politically-charged decision to consolidate services in Merrill, the doors will open Monday on the new Farm Service Agency office located at the northeast corner of Third Avenue and Superior Street.

Consolidation in the 1990s moved all Langlade and Lincoln FSA services to Merrill and then, when the lease was ended on that facility, to Wausau five years ago.

“The farmers in the area will be very happy with it,” Esselman said.  “And we are very happy to be back.”

The office will serve agricultural producers in this area as well as Oneida, Forest, Florence and Vilas counties.  lincoln County producers who are located closer to Wausau can still do their business in the Marathon County office.

Created through the merger of several predecessor agencies, including the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service.  FSA is primarily tasked with the implementation of farm conservation and regulation laws around the country.

The staff can be reached by calling 715-623-5318.

Source: Antigo Daily Journal